Bloody Nose for a Hot Head
It’s not a problem it’s just college just stop falling down the stairs stop eating whole bottles of vitamins at once stop spending rent at $2.50 increments stop saving the leftover malt liquor for the next day when you can hold it down again stop calling it breakfast stop starting fights stop getting into ceilings stop sleeping in the snow stop puking in his bed on his pillows almost on the computer he built stop being proud of knowing how to handle alcohol poisoning stop drinking salt water stop calling off work with slurred voicemails at 4:30am claiming you have the flu you’re not fooling anyone stop sneaking it into the school stop doing shots before having to walk home in knee deep snow stop screaming when your friends try to nurse you with food and water they might start to think there is a problem stop leaving bottles in the shower stop starting fights when plans to drink fall through stop promising to stop then starting again in the morning stop screaming when he takes his bottle back after you already had one and a half stop bringing it into every conversation because it is all you can think about stop trying to fight bouncers stop screaming stop fucking screaming the crying is not over him it is over what I am trying to drown stop screaming please stop ruining the party stop asking the lyft driver what its like to be an uber driver stop crying stop getting in the car with him when hes insisting he can drink and drive just fine but I wont listen to what my dad warned me about I do not care about the boy I grew up with dying in a drunk driving accident or the girl that died on my road after being hit by a drunk man all I care about is getting to the gas station for more getting to his house for even more stop telling me it is just college and that it's not a problem until I start day
drinking I have been day drinking stop not believing me when I say how much I drank and stop running when I try to get help
and the first day therapist tries to hospitalize me not if you can’t catch me stop breaking into the neighbor’s house
stop ending up in someone else’s clothes stop fist fighting my best friend in the front yard stop peeing in that
random person’s front yard in lakewood just because I am in a dress and not wearing underwear and trashed
it does not
mean I
can pee on the church’s sign stop eating that ice cream
I was saving by the fistfuls because I
have not done the dishes there are no spoons stop screaming stop trying
to out drink his mom at a nice family gathering.